October 10, 2022
Every single day of our lives in order for our potential to be developed, we need to take action.
Every day we ought to learn something.
Every day we ought to grow.
Every day we ought to discover something.
Every day we ought to be a bit further along than we were the day before.
Every day…take action!
We must understand that no other human being on the face of the earth can develop our potential for us. It is vital for each of us to discover our own God-given gifts and talents and what we are truly capable of. Then we must put ourselves to the task of developing those gifts, talents, and capabilities to the fullest extent.
We cannot use someone else’s abilities, personality or resources to accomplish what we need to do – we must be true to ourselves.
We each have so much to give to the world and now is the time for us to lean in strong and believe this is true!
There’s only one you, and you’re a masterpiece! – Joyce Meyer