March 27, 2023
“Relationships improve when we tear down the walls that divide us and build bridges that unite us.” – John Maxwell
Relationships are a large part of our lives. Most problems in our lives are problems with people. Years back, Theodore Roosevelt stated, “The most important ingredient in the success formula is knowing how to get along with people.” This statement still holds today.
Our ability to connect with others begins by understanding the value of people. Choosing to see value in people is a personal decision and starts with our thoughts. To connect, people need to feel valued. They need to know you believe in them, have high expectations of them, have confidence in them, and are grateful for them.
All bridges have one thing in common – they take you from where you are to where you want to go. Relationships are like bridges: they take effort to build. Bridges bring people together. Bridges make life better. The question you must ask yourself is this, “Am I building walls or bridges?” Walls separate us from the others. Bridges bring people together.
Relationships are a choice.
People can usually trace successes and failures to the relationships in their lives. So, building bridges with and for others is the best way to have good relationships.
Bridges take effort.
Every time you cross the bridge, remember it took an effort to build it, and it takes effort to maintain it. That is also true with relationships. Once you understand people, you will also know it takes great effort to be good to them. This choice is not based on a feeling but on how you will treat those around you, especially those who can do nothing for you or do not treat you well. The behavioral standards you set for yourself are the most important.
Ten things to know about people…
People are insecure. Give them confidence.
People like to feel special. Sincerely, compliment them.
People look for a better tomorrow. Show them hope.
People need to be understood. Listen to them.
People need more direction. Navigate for them.
People are selfish. Speak to their needs first.
People get emotionally low. Encourage them.
People want to be associated with success. Help them win.
People desire meaningful relationships. Provide community.
People seek role models to follow. Be an example.
Intentionally Own It Reflection:
What effort will I make to improve the relationships in my life? Starting today, how can I count on myself to create meaningful action?
Power Statements:
I will think about the other person first.
I will make people feel valued.
I will believe in people and have confidence in them.
I will share my gratitude toward people.
I will be a giver more than a taker.
-Adapted from iChoose