August 30, 2021

The secret to a good life may be as simple as one word: Happiness.

Stop for a moment and think…What does genuine happiness look like to you? What does a happy person remind you of? What does this type of attitude style bring to your life?

Everywhere we look in life, people are learning how to be happy yet no one ever becomes happy. Happiness is a habit; it’s a state of being, not becoming. It is the natural outcome of being aligned with your authentic self.

In the book, “The How of Happiness,” the author shares: 50% of happiness is emotional; 10% is life circumstances; and 40% is intentional living. Real happiness requires less than we think and is increased when we engage in intentional activities.

A dear friend and neuroscience coach gave me her perspective on intentionality.

“Intentionality is a practice that can be wired into your neural pathways. It strengthens the connection between yourself and what you want. Knowing this, I am a big believer in being intentional. Every day, I ask myself . . .

What do I want to create for this day?

Who do I want to be?

What will be my focus for today?

When you set your intentions for the day, your brain, soul, and the universe work together to manifest what you put your attention on. Intentionality is a tool you need to practice, like every tool available to us.”

Being happy is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else. We get to define happiness for ourselves. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

Choose to foster Happy in ALL you do!


September 6, 2021


August 23, 2021