October 9, 2023
There’s a saying I once heard that goes like this: Move toward the truth, even if your voice shakes.
I like that statement because it’s about doing what you know is right, regardless of the fear you may be feeling. Often, we think, “I’ll do it when I am not so afraid.” But, in reality, it works the other way around. The ‘doing it’ comes before the fear goes away. The only way to eliminate the fear is to be afraid and do it anyway.
Do it, even if…
Your voice shakes,
Your knees knock,
Your heart pounds,
Your palms sweat,
Your mind questions.
No matter how afraid you may feel when you’re called to do something…Do it afraid!
These words and their power changed my life and my approach. I learned that I don’t need permission from others to use my potential or move toward my calling. I can live a bold, overcoming life when I remember to “do it afraid!” This can be your truth, too!
Intentionally Own It Reflection: Bookend each day by asking yourself…
In the morning, “What will I do with intentionality today?”
In the evening, “What did I do with intentionality today?”
Be a person of purpose by adding this daily discipline to your life!
-Adapted from Enjoying Everyday Life