November 16, 2020

Good works come in many forms. Greatness lies not in being strong but in the right use of strength. He or she is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts.

– Henry Ward Beecher

Everywhere we look there are people in need of encouragement, hope, smiles, compassion, and much more.

Every new day, we are given the chance to make a difference.

This Thanksgiving season (and beyond) commit to using your strength to intentionally carry up the hearts of those around you.

Use your words to build and encourage; your hands to help; your attitude to infuse hope, courage, and belief; your faith to inspire confidence; your smile to spread genuine goodness, warmth, and joy.

Be a daily Day-Maker by simply choosing to make someone else’s day.

Choose to go first …

Choose to act on “the nudge” …

Choose to take initiative and become a “ripple starter” of good things …

One simple act can change the tone of someone’s day, week, or even life. (And it will bring abounding joy and fulfillment to your life too!)

You’re invited to become an ambassador of the Red Glasses Movement. Allow the heartbeat of this movement to chase you down and inspire you to intentionally use your strength - every day - to carry up the most hearts!


November 23, 2020


November 9, 2020