July 4, 2022
The way you start your day, from the moment you wake up, sets the precedent for how the rest of your day will go.
What I’ve noticed is typically we’re quite good at knowing what to do each day yet how often do we stop and set intentions around who we plan to be?
This simple 6 B’s daily discipline guides you to consciously decide what your attitude, motives, and intentions for the day will be. Guiding how your influence will matter.
Be: Who am I going to be?
Believe: What am I believing?
Become: Who am I becoming?
Blessed: What are my blessings?
Bless: Who will I bless?
Belong: It’s inside of me to be exceptional. What makes me believe I belong in that image?
SSS: Simply Say So!
o Positive statement that moves me toward my purpose and potential.
When you first get out of bed in the morning, set your mind in the right direction by declaring, “Good things are going to happen to me today and good things are going to happen through me today.” – Joyce Meyer