July 24, 2023
Did you know that the first hour of the morning is crucial? How you start your day from the moment you wake up will set the precedence for how the rest of your day will go. And how your days go will ultimately affect how the rest of your life will go.
How did you start your day today? When you woke up, what were the first words that came out of your mouth? The words you speak have power. They can hurt or help, encourage or discourage, build up or tear down.
Consider the language you use in your own life. Is it positive, proactive, and possibility-driven? Or is it filled with doubt and fear? Whether spoken out loud or quietly to yourself, you frame your world with the words you speak.
Look inward to cultivate a wellspring of language fueled by love, not fear. Your thoughts and feelings directly impact what comes out of your mouth. You can adjust your focus to elevate your language. This mental nourishment will equip you with faith-filled, life-affirming language to propel your growth and positively impact your life!
If you have a lousy way of starting your day, you won’t have a good day.
Intentionally Own It Reflection: What brings you toward developing an inspiring morning routine that sets the best day in motion and allows you to say something to yourself that makes you feel good? How committed are you to this morning habit? What value will it add to you and others?