January 15, 2024
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Life consists of what a person thinks about all day.”
Good things begin with a thought. Bad things begin with a thought. All things start with a thought. Every thought we think has the potential to create our future, what we’re thinking, and how we think. It makes a difference in what we do and how we do it.
Since your thoughts influence your behavior, place great value on your thinking. Good thinking creates the foundation for good results. In the book As a Man Thinketh, James Allen wrote, “Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.”
Positive change in our lives begins with positive thinking woven with abundant threads.
Abundant thinking believes there is always an answer, regardless of the problems.
Abundant thinking focuses on what is possible.
Abundant thinking believes I can, so I will.
Abundant thinking expects you to succeed.
Abundant thinking lifts the lid on your potential.
Abundant thinking includes adding value to others.
Intentionally Own It Reflection: Knowing that everything begins with a thought, the question is, “In which direction is my thinking taking me and those I influence?”
-Adapted from iChoose