February 27, 2023

“We choose what attitudes we have right now, and it’s a continuing choice.” – John Maxwell

Choosing a positive attitude helps you overcome difficulties.

Life is challenging. Every day something negative will happen to you. But, when you get knocked down, a positive attitude will respond with courageous words that say, “it’s not what happens to me. It’s what happens in me that counts!”

Attitudes don’t automatically stay good. When things don’t go our way, it is easy for our attitudes to slip and start to become negative. When that happens, do the following things to adjust your attitude:

1. Take responsibility for your attitude. With each choice comes responsibility. Only you can choose the right attitude and be responsible for it. So, when your attitude gets negative, don’t look for others to blame; don’t expect others to help you fix it. Instead, own it and adjust it.

2. Give yourself a timeline to fix your attitude. Since you control your attitude, you can determine how long you will allow a bad attitude to hurt you. Start practicing the “24-Hour Rule.” First, give yourself 24 hours to feel whatever you need to feel. Then, after that timeframe, deliberately think positive thoughts, say positive words, and do positive things. Positive actions and words allow you to overcome negative feelings.

3. Manage your attitude daily. Maintaining the right attitude is easier than adjusting a wrong attitude. How do you do that? Starting the day with a positive outlook will help you end the day with a positive outlook. This takes intentionality.

4. Feed your positive attitude and starve your negative attitude. Everyone has positive and negative thoughts. Your goal is to increase your positive and decrease the negative. Your most prominent way of thinking will control your attitude. You must consume positive mental “food.” Read books that encourage a positive mental attitude. Develop friendships with other people who live a positive lifestyle. Have uplifting conversations. Do good things for others. Exercise. Spend time outside.

Benefits of a Positive Attitude.

  • You enjoy life more.

  • You inspire others.

  • You attract others that have positive attitudes.

  • You show gratitude for life and people.

  • You become more successful.

Power Statement: Today – and every day – I will choose to create a positive ripple effect worth being around.

“Intentionally Own It” Reflection: What will I choose to have been contagious about my attitude?

- Adapted by iChoose


March 6, 2023


February 20, 2023