February 13, 2023
“Without commitment, you cannot have depth in anything, whether it’s a relationship, business, or a hobby.” – Neil Strauss
The final test of commitment is completion.
Life is constantly testing us for our next level of commitment, and life’s most significant rewards go to those who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to run until they finish. The commitment question: how do we run until we finish?
Learn and follow the cycle of commitment. Test, Fail, Learn, Improve, and Re-enter are commitment cycles. This cycle never stops. Commitment is a result of always trying (Test), often failing (Fail), always learning (Learn), working on getting better (Improve), and then getting back into the race (Re-enter).
Know what you want to achieve. To stay consistent in your commitment, practice advanced attraction. When you know what you want to be committed to…
Your eyes will see things that will help you achieve what you want.
Your mind will think of things that will help you achieve what you want.
Your heart will feel something that will help you achieve what you want.
Your mouth will say things that will help you achieve what you want.
Finally, your body will do things that will help you achieve what you want.
Make today count.
All we have is today. There will never be another now. So stay committed one day at a time. The secret to finishing the race is to do your best today. Ask yourself, “did I do my best?” If the answer is “yes,” be encouraged to do the same thing tomorrow.
The secret to your success is determined by your commitment today!
Benefits of Commitment.
· You will experience increased confidence in yourself.
· You will achieve more as you take consistent steps toward your goals.
· You will be considered reliable because you do what you said you would do.
· You will be seen as purposeful and capable.
· You will stand firm in the face of adversity.
Power Statement: Today, I will make good commitment choices that positively affect me and others.
“Intentionally Own It!” Reflection: What commitment will I make, starting today, that will add value to my life and others?
-Adapted from iLead