April 4, 2022
John Maxwell is known for stating that everything rises and falls on leadership. But do you know what two things are responsible for making leadership rise?
The first is competence. No one wants to follow an incompetent leader.
The second is values. Values are principles that guide your decisions and behaviors. When those values are good, they bring only benefits - to yourself and others. When leaders hold good values, which are reflected in their behaviors, people are willing to trust and follow them.
Values are character guardrails that provide meaning, clarity and a structure for self-leadership. Consistent behavior is not sustainable without values.
We’ve found that when you live good values…
Your mind will think things that will help you create positive change.
Your eyes will see things that will help you create positive change.
Your heart will feel things that will help you create positive change.
Your attitude will embrace things that will help you create positive change.
Your mouth will say things that will help you create positive change.
Your life will attract things that will help you create positive change.
Your feet will lead you to do things that will create positive change.
-Source Maxwell Leadership