April 17, 2023

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through tests and trials can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courteously.”

Character is more than talk. Anyone can say they have integrity, but behavior is the real indicator of character.

The outside reveals what is on the inside. When the inside gets right, the outside becomes right.

How do we get the inside right? First, fill your mind with good thoughts instead of bad ones. Then, think about the best in others, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to compliment, not things to curse.

Your thoughts determine your choices. Your choices determine your actions. Your actions reflect your character.

What you do speaks louder than what you say—your talk talks, and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.


Everyone’s character needs improvement. Nobody’s perfect. Therefore, developing our character is a continual effort.

Our attitude often needs adjustment.

Our motives need to be managed.

Our thoughts need to be checked.

The openness to admit wrongdoing with a change of behavior is the beginning of a good character. Next, the desire to do right is the mark of good character. Finally, a willingness to make positive changes is the root of good character.


Life is filled with continual choices between doing right and doing wrong. Authenticity, not perfection, is what people of good character strive for.

You cannot rise above the limitations of your character.

The size of your inside determines the size of your outside. Lack of growth on the inside stunts our development on the outside. If I think wrong thoughts on the inside, soon, my choices will cause me to behave wrongly on the outside. If I am a dishonest person, my actions will be dishonest. The result? People will not trust me. That puts a limitation on my relationships and my potential.

How do you remove those character limitations? You remove them by thinking about doing the right things and choosing to do them.


Benefits of good character.

  • Your growth on the inside will show on the outside.

  • You are appreciated because you strive to do what is right.

  • Your inside and outside live in harmony.

  • You remove character limitations from your life.

  • You increase the odds of making good choices.

  • You feel good about yourself because you live true to yourself.


Intentionally Own It Reflection:

How can I count on myself to be a person of good character? What does this commitment look like to me? 

-Adapted from iChoose 



April 24, 2023


April 10, 2023