With and for God…

The God of heaven has appointed us for His purpose and will give us success; therefore, we, His servants, will arise and build.  - Nehemiah 2:20


While creating my lifelong dream of bar 33 leadership, I did so with a surrendered style. I intentionally committed to this mindset: "And by faith, design a sought-after resource for personal growth with and for God." I recognize this is a unique approach, which I am led and energized to honor.

God equipped me with a calling and gift that, when surrendered, His leadership is my way forward, resulting in a fruitful design that multiplies. This is my stabilizing priority because everything I am and do will glorify Him.


Here's what I've learned as I experience God's goodness in action:

Every step is anointed, yet not all at once!

Layer by layer, it sticks and stacks, and my picture of favor becomes more evident as it does. As the fuzziness is removed and the beauty is revealed, the depth of each layered image holds grounding that matters and aligns with the longevity of His image of “more.”

I also realized that the setbacks and the silence helped me multiply God's way.

His cutting, pruning, and silence led to a released vision that loosened my grip on control. When I stopped pushing and pictured my silent moments as a free "silent retreat" from God, it helped me embrace the quietness as a privilege to grow in this fashion. Anyone who does something amazing is held in silence to be prepared for their future significance.

The "prepared person" experiences years and moments of God quieting everything and everyone so His voice can be the loudest guide and stabilizing instrument.

On this journey, I learned silence matters. It matters greatly if you want to make history in the lane God entrusted you.

He set you aside to set you apart. As this is happening, it's a very active process that, from the outside eye, looks as if nothing is going on—that passivity is setting in, and you are "giving up." Yet, that is not even close to the real story. The “inside of you” is busy, busy, busy, yet the only way this type of growth and "busyness" can happen is by honoring the silence.

This means you do not fill the silence with activities, noise, or the unnecessary.

You let God work.

You let God get His way.

You stop fighting, and you let God move in you, through you, around you, and all over. and

You let God be God.


Encouragement for Inspired Growth…

When this stance is embraced, you trust at a whole new level. Your faith is prominent, and you trust the silence is shaping and sharpening. This surrendered style empowers you to rise up and build – by faith, with and for God!

 "Thank you, God, for empowering me to arise and do whatever you have called me to do. Everything I am and everything I do will glorify you.”

Photo by Averee Kreutzfeldt at Bar 33 Ranch, Blaisdell, North Dakota



